Episode 13-14 Season 5 Ertugul HD (Bolum 128)

Episode 13-14 Season 5 Ertugul HD (Bolum 128)

   This is Episode number 13 and 14 of Season 5 with Urdu                                                      Subtitles.
 Eeh, Selcan Hatun, please, disclose to all of us about my siblings now My more established siblings Gundogdu and Sungur Tekin, and particularly. about my younger sibling Diindar. How I miss them so. Please, my little girl, reveal to every one of us... about their hatuns, their children^ and about your senior child. Iltegin. The entirety of my grandkids... more likely than not developed into valiant hearts, much the same as Suleyman. Gracious, how I long for them. Gu .. Gundogdu... Will you pardon me, my mom! My Selcan? What is it, my little girl? What occurred, please let us know. My Gundogdu Bey. together with my SungurTekin Bey, said to me... Take your child Suleyman and go to our sibling Ertugrul. He will. secure you and discover the exit from this circumstance, without a doubt." They demanded! From whom my siblings needed me to ensure you and your child, Selcan Hatun? It's not just about us, my Bey. It's about our clan, as well. My girl, my Selcan. Get it together. Please. let us know, for what reason did they send you here? What befell your clan? Converse with us. Please. my little girl. I wish I'd ripped my tongue off, just that I don't need to reveal to you this, my mom. At the point when we originally went to your clan, you were in desperate waterways... so I said to myself, I will keep my quiet. I revealed to myself that I won't add increasingly salt to your injuries But I wear t have any quality left. Selcan Hatun Look me in the eyes, please. Also, mention to me what befell your clan? The Mongols. They continued irritating our clan. Thus, our Beys needed to take cover in the mountains alongside our Alps, and they sent us here. In any case, the Mongols are currently after them, joined by . the Seljuk's executioners. O. my Allah O my Allah, You (swt) keep me rational. What does thatjrnean, Selcan? Huh? What do they need from you, my little girl? My Bey. they sent this to you. Sibling Ertugrul will comprehend it, they stated, my Bey. Regarded Emir, Beybolat Bey has come. Show him in. Our State will consistently be... obligated to you for the concealment of those Turkmen clans... that challenged to work up an uprising against the Mongols, Beybolat. I've presented to you a few presents, Respected Emir. Get out. I brought you what you needed, Respected Emir. Uff! Warriors, remove this. Close that and get it out! Evacuate it, expel it! Shouldn't something be said about Gundogdu? Where is his head? Gundogdu. He took shelter in the mountains alongside his siblings and his Alps. We ve lost their path. Be that as it may, my men are hot behind them. At some point or another they will be found. 

I took to the street, when I heard that my dad was killed. We discovered who executed your dad. Ertugrul and his child Gunduz. is it accurate to say that they aren't the ones? Come here, sit down. Ertugrul and his child Gundiiz were absolved at the preliminary. They said that the executioner was an insubordinate Byzantine authority, by the name of Dragos. All things considered, shouldn't something be said about my sister, what llbilge needed to state? Since she pulled back her objection, she probably been persuaded of that too The case has been excused, Beybolat. That issue has been excused. In any case, presently.. you're going to seek after an a lot bigger issue, here in Sogut And obviously, you ought not permit your dad's blood to go unavenged. We've heard that the pioneer of those executioners who bugged our clan... is a savage, who calls himself Albasti. What's more, what is more terrible, he is a Turk. Have you seen him? Do you know what his identity is. Selcan Hatun? I'll discover what occurred in the most brief time conceivable. However, presently, the time has come to show our fortification tude. You finish all the vital arrangements before your clan shows up. Both of you are head hatuns of our two clans. Wear t offer approach to surrender. Guarantee me, my Ertugrul Bey, give me your statement that.. you will locate our daring hearts and take my better half back to me. I have a commitment to discover my siblings, Selcan Hatun. Have confidence in me. You are our hearth and our home. Try not to leave my youngsters without a dad, or me without a spouse. Try not to permit your mom to endure the torment of losing a youngster. I will discover my siblings. In any case, nobody must be made mindful of what we discussed, here. Selcan Ertugrul is correct. To start with, we need to stand tall... with the goal that our kin would, as well. In the event that we clasp under, our incredible Platanus three will flip over. The Mongol scourge have isolated us from one another, mother. What's more, presently, on account of the Mongol's scourge we met up by and by. My Selcan, it is sufficient that our youngsters remain as one... furthermore, that they are alive. Concerning the Mongols, they will get what they merit, all in great time. They won't pull off what they did... with all their oppression... and all the blood they shed. My delightful little girl. My delightful lady. Commendation be to Allah. 

What did they say in that letter, Artuk Bey? Our Beys educated us about their concealing spot. Everybody is well. Applause be to Allah Gundogdu Bey gathered some mystery data from the Mongol covert agents... that he caught. What's more, when the Mongols discovered that these covert agents were gotten, they assaulted the Kayis, my Bey. Did they compose what they gained from those government agents? Secret word for this Episode is iLbilgeErtugrul. Each and every experts and researcher who oppose Mongol oppression... will be murdered, my Bey. We need to converse with the White Beards (Ak Sakalli). Send them the data we have, in the typical way, Artuk Bey. Advise the Alps to come to see me! I have things to let them know. As my Bey orders. Albasti! Albasti! Do Selcan Ha un and her child know you' They wear t. I finished my obligation without uncovering myself, similarly as you requested. They know me just as Albasti. They know nothing past that. Brilliant. When you get to Sogut, get to know the goings on. Selcan Hatun and her child coming to Ertugrul, doesn't look good. On the whole, you should build up yourself as the Bey of your clan. At that point it will be your obligation to discover why Selcan came here... what does she know and what they are doing. Also, obviously, there is the matter of that chest. What chest? The chest that contains mystery data. I presume that Ertugrul has taken that chest. The substance of that chest is significant, Beybolat. So significant. The names of the considerable number of Beys, State Dignitaries and the individuals from Islamic society (Akhi) who are... setting up an insubordination to the Mongols, are recorded in there. Selcan Hatun is doing arrangements for the relocation of her clan to our country. We will demonstrate neighborliness to our siblings and welcome them among us, in our clan. Their tents have been obliterated. We will assist them with getting composed and to settle down. Artuk Bey, get Aktemur to check out this as well. As you order, my Bey. Selcan Hatun will require a few supplies for her clan. Mikis knows traders quite well. He will realize where to discover what Let him go to the clan and give a turn in this. As you request, my Bey. Bamsi, we will take to the street tomorrow with our Alps. 

Is it accurate to say that we are heading off to our Gundogdu Bey, my Bey? Is it true that we are going to take the leader of this canine called Albasti? All in great time, Bamsi. In any case, for the present, we have to get data. As you request, my Bey. As you request. Whoever raises your doubts inside the Bazaar... dip on them like a bad dream. Try not to let anyone take even a breath. That Dragos and his canines must be caused to feel... like fowls got on a branch, spread with birdlime. Did I make myself understood, Turgut? As you order, my Bey. You will pay visit to Lais, tomorrow, Turgut. When managing my siblings' circumstance... we despite everything can't be careless of Dragos. What you need me to do jmy Bey?j Lais accepts that he triumphed over me when he caught my child and got emancipate from me. Anyway I have an incomplete record to settle with him. I will give him the principal blow in the language he sees best. His awkwardness has thrown a shadow over our tranquility. Consequently, I request my pound of substance as a discipline, which is ten thousand gold pieces If he can't, advise him that I won't let any Lefke s dealer in Sogut. Also, I will capture all the streets prompting the stronghold. EyvAllah (as you state), my Bey. Mikis. Truly, my Bey Be ever cautious in the Bazaar Dragos' men could be all over the place. Dragos' man could be the one from whom you wouldn't dare hoping anymore be. We can't be sure whether somebody is his man or not. As you w h, my Bey Ah... your hatun and your kids were on their way back. What occurred, didn't they come at this point? They made a stop at our colleague. They will come whenever now, my Bey. That is acceptable at that point. You are so delightful, my Mistress. Your magnificence and vivacity have the right to be supplemented by a daring Bey. That is the destiny, Mengu. Additionally, we can't run over a bold Bey that effectively, as you said. You wear t need to search for him far and wide, my Mistress. A fowl of destiny is flying around you. Try not to be Tngry with me however that valiant Bey deserving of you must be Ertugrul Bey. Halime Sultan has died following she brought forth Osman And Ertugrul Bey has been both a mother and a dad to his three children, from that point onward. For what reason didn't Ertugrul Bey get hitched, every one of these years? The romantic tale of Halime Sultan and Ertugrul Bey was so breathtaking and amazing. Legends are as yet spoken about it... what's more, my Bey couldn't look at any other person, I presume. Similarly as you stated, 

Ertugrul Bey is a courageous hearted man. Be that as it may, that can scarcely happen, Mengu. Why not, my Mistress? The romantic tale of him and his late hatun resembled a fantasy sentiment I wear t feel that there is any room left in his heart for another hatun. Try not to think that way, my Mistress. It's beenyears. He has raised his young men without anyone else. Without a doubt he would now need an ally for himself and a hatun for his tent. What's more, is there anybody out there, increasingly appropriate then you? Is there authorization, llbilge Hatun? Indeed. come in, Atag Bey. Go on, I m tuning in to you. Our Beys have shown up in Sogut, llbilge Hatun. Commendation be to Allah. I ought to proceed to educate Ertugrul Bey. The things I've heard don't appear to foreshadow well, llbilge Hatun What right? 

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