Kurulus Osman Urdu Hindi Dubbed Episode 1

Kurulus Osman Urdu Hindi Dubbed Episode 1

Assalam O Alikum Dear All Viewers of Kurulus Osman! Welcome to the Urdu Dubbing of Kurulus Osman. Kurtulus Osman is on-broadcast now daily on Atv Turkey on each Wednesday night. We are naming each Episode in seven days before the following one is on circulated on the Turkish Tv. You can watch Urdu Dubbing of each Episode on consistently. 


Here beneath are the connections to all scenes of Kurulus Osman with Urdu Dubbings. It would be ideal if you observe all scenes of Kurulus only on www.Eniftv.com. We are the pioneers of Urdu Dubbing. We generally attempt to guarantee quality naming in light of the fact that the Dialogs are the most significant thing in this arrangement. This is essential to comprehend the words in this Islamic arrangement. In the event that you individuals watch the entire dramatization in Urdu naming so you can without much of a stretch see all the historical backdrop of the Ottoman Empire. So watch this dramatization with your loved ones. 


We are appreciative to all of you that you visiting here to watch Kurulus Osman with Urdu naming. Our point is consistently to advance the ethical, Muslims history and great arrangement or movies. Turkey has excellent creations so the arrangement of turkeys are most naming by us.
We need to finish our Effendi's organization and discover the fortune. On the off chance that we will fail, everything will be failed. They sent the code, correct? I am happy. You never disillusioned us with the obligations you were given. It may be composed with some undisclosed taken from the Bible. It implies various codes. On the off chance that we can discover pieces of information, I can illuminate them. Area must be covered up in them. You tackled comparable undisclosed which were composed with the old letters in order. At that point we can stand up to our Efendi as glad individuals who fulfilled their obligations. I petitioned God for you in the congregation, Yourgoplus. I'm certain that we'll get the mindful ones with God's assistance and Kalanoos' ability. Yet, would you say you are certain that double crossers were inside the stronghold? We were deceived Sofia. What's more, deceivers are inside. On the off chance that you are correct, Yourgoplus, it is horrendous. Try not to return with void hands Kalanoos… Find a follow. Or there will be consequences, they'll attempt again soon. Truly. My exquisite spouse. I watch the sky each night. I am perusing the follows which stars and planets left. There is one thing I am certain of. Nobody will be skilled to clear out the request you manufactured while you are alive. Your way isn't the correct way Osman! You left the palace without advising somebody! What occurred, ha? Abbas passed on! He passed on as a result of you! Don't you get it? For what reason did you betray me? You went over me when we were with Governor. I didn't utter a word. Be that as it may, how might I remain calm to his, Osman? They are going hard on Osman, mother. He wouldn't need it to occur. What will occur? What might your dad Artaghul Bey do? Tell your uncle. It is my issue to settle, uncle. Abbas' vengeance will be taken. It is my obligation to render my sibling's retribution. With regards to my sibling. On the off chance that Suleyman Shah's child Artaghul was here, he wouldn't blame me for my sibling's passing… he would follow executioners and transform Bitinia into hellfire for them! Is it accurate to say that you are going to push your Alps to vindicate now? What number of individuals would you say you are going to vexed after Abbas, Osman? In the event that you make each other flaw… Your sentence will be extreme. I acknowledge. On the off chance that I twist my head down to your weight may it be cut off? Osman! Osman! I'm letting you know! Converse with him! I don't need some other difficulty! Mother… converse with my dad, mother. They shouldn't go this hard on Osman. I know Osman, he won't stop until his irritation passes. Little girl… you heard with your own ears. He doesn't tune in to his sibling and uncle. May Allah secure us. with a decent greeting… Hafsa… It has been 3655 days since you died. That day… my Hafsa… we both passed on. ut they covered just you. Hafsa… My rose confronted, bloom… My dear not here.. It's the destiny of these terrains. Sheep are yielded in Toys, and variations are relinquished in battles. Our Abbas is presently a saint.
For us to consider these spaces our "country" To consider these areas our country" It's an ideal opportunity to deliver retribution siblings! May it be a vow on our ponies that inhale shines out. May it be a vow! May it be a vow on the individuals who consider torment to be sweet! May it be a vow! In the event that I can't deliver the retribution of my sibling Abbas.. may I be cut with my own dim steel.. may my name be cleared off from the stones… May it be a promise! Kulu cha Hisar Castle spreads the fiendishness around. We will search for the ones there, who shed my Abbas' blood. We will get in the château to take in who they take orders from, and their goal. Is there somebody you confidence in the royal residence, my Bey? We have nobody to confidence, aside from one individual. What's more, he is Governor. Since the executioner focused on him. For what reason will you get in covertly, my Bey? I need to converse with the Governor alone. Nobody must know. Indeed, even his nearest ones may be his adversaries. What do you request? Hear me out well now, siblings. Applause him, sun, and moon, and all-stars. You dressed him with profound water, and water was remaining in the mountains. I'm not catching that's meaning? In the initial segment, it says that he hangs the world onto nothing worth mentioning. Moon and Sun… Sparkling stars… We will search for a sky in the palace. Spreads the north onto vacancy.." Is there any mystery room in the north of the château? Sofia's room… I saw 7 planets in her room, which were made by some gifted individuals. A spot, where stars and planets are available. Heavenly entrustments are here. ​ We are near our mystery. Sofia. What's going on, Sofia? Converse with me. I beseech you, converse with me. I can do anything you need. I am enduring, Kalanoos. What's more, I can't bear it any longer. The aching consumes me. I need to be with you Kalanoos. I need that as well. ut Governor… Governor Yourgoplus… How would we be able to do that to him? In the event that God didn't need us to meet up, would he give the affection into our souls? Kalanoos… You are my greatest test in this world. I experience the ill effects of your yearning each day and night. I kick the bucket each time I see you with Governor. ut what would we be able to do, What would we be able to do? Permit me Kalanoos. I'll get together stars today around evening time; I'll disclose to you tomorrow evening. I'll sit tight for you. Ya ALLAH bi… award me with delivering the retribution of my sibling Abbas and our different saints. Try not to stress. Try not to cry tears… Keep your head up. Babar is The dad of a saint. What are you considering? Nothing… Smile a piece. We are excessively close. You are correct. We are excessively close. We'll have completed our obligation tomorrow. Is that why you are miserable? Grin a piece. Or the consequences will be severe… would you say you are considering him? Who? The Turk you spared. I wonder what his identity was. What was he doing there I don't have the foggiest idea what his identity was. Be that as it may, clearly he has a spot in your brain. I lament that I revealed to you now. We need to rest. We have an overwhelming weight on our shoulders for tomorrow. Please. Cases .co.uk White hair.. On the off chance that I have white hair. It must be tumbled from the heavenly attendant's wings, who conveyed my child… From their wings… Babar Bey. Saint's smell is the smell of paradise. It's the ideal opportunity for us to cover our sibling and spread his smell around the Kayi clan. Please. Please, valiant's. We should go. Ya Haqq!

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