Episode 25-26 Season 5 Ertugul HD (Bolum 134)

Episode 25-26 Season 5 Ertugul HD (Bolum 134)

DIRILIS Season 5 Urdu Subtitles EPISODE 25-26 


This is Episode number 25 and 26 of Season 5 with Urdu Subtitles. What occurred in there, my Bey? The Reverend Father has died, Abdurrahman. Advise Christian people group about this. As you request, my Bey. Abdurrahman! Abdurrahman' My valiant heart! Course it! WhaUiappened^ I didn't shot him! Ahh' Bell-ringer! - Ahh! Chime ringer! Chime ringer! My Bey - Abdurrahman! My Bey! Shield our Bey! Follow them rapidly, pick up the pace! Please! Please! Chime ringer! I am well, my Bey. I am fine I am good The Holy book! I generally convey it took care of my chest... the Holy Book has spared me. Applause be to God, nothing transpired. I owe you my life, Bell-ringer. Contrasted and your life... is my life worth anything by any stretch of the imagination, my Bey? What's wrong? What are you doing here? Sir, Commander Uranos sent you this. Emir Bahaddin's Aide came to him to offer collaboration. The Mongols are in quest for one specific chest that contains a significant insider facts of the Selcuk's State. They presume that Ertugrul is in control of that chest. I comprehend. In this way, it resembles that. To shield ourselves from the Mongols... I need to get that chest. I'll need to worm my way into Ertugrul's tent, at that point. Accordingly, you should not kick the bucket today, all things considered, Ertugrul You should not Abdurrahman, my valiant, hang on Hold on! We will spare you We need to press on it extremely hard, press on it!! Hold tight, my valiant heart. Aag A|A| Aag A|A| We managed that unbeliever, my Bey. Would it be a good idea for us to reach out to Artuk Bey? There is no time for that now, Dumrul I'll take care of him myself, at the Han Find out who those savages were. As you request, my Bey. As you request, my Bey. Please, Alps. Ya Allah! Please, please, Bismillah! Bismillah (for the sake of Allah) Come on, hustle just a bit, please My dad is as yet not here. He has never let us hold up this long. The last time I saw him was at the Han. I would have known whether he was going to visit the dealers or the individuals. 

I expected he was heading off to the clan. Then again, if there wasn't some squeezing issue... he would have gone ahead time. Did he not utter a word to you, sibling? He didn't, my sister. I saw him the last time at the Han, same as Artuk Bey. In the event that there was some dire issue, we would have thought about it. Hold tight, my courageous heart! H Id n< Hang in there! At the point when we uncover that bolt's tip... you should feel fine and dandy. Aag A|/| I would forfeit my life for you. That is my lion. Be that as it may, I need you alive, my daring heart. Okay, Bismillah (for the sake of Allah) What sort of wounds have you not endure, up until this point? You will overcome this one as well, in shaa Allah. Ya, Shaffee [the Only Healer] Ya, Shaffee [the Only Healer] There, it's out. Acclaim be to Allah. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim [In the name of Allah swt, the Merciful and the Compassionate] My sibling a valuable inheritance of my dad, my valiant. Until you stand up on your feet once more... there is no harmony for me. How about we dress his injury rapidly, Dumrul. As you request, my Bey. We checked the dead bowman, my Bey. He was Dragos' man. EyvAllah (OK). Is there consent, Hayme Mother? Come in, my chap. Hayme Mother... Ertugrul Bey has been assaulted in Sogut. What are you discussing? nan < Ertugrul Bey is well. In any case, Abdurrahman Alp... Try not to avoid the real issue, man! What happened to Abdurrahman Alp? He is in a grave circumstance. Ilbilge, Sirma you remain here. Presently the time has come to be inert. I need to go to our Bey of Principality. I will come as well, Beybolat Bey. Ertugrul Bey has charged you to remain in charge of the clan, Artuk Bey. I will go, at that point. As those murderous assaulted our Bey of Principality directly in Sogut. .. it implies that they are truly gone absolutely crazy. All of you remain here, with the goal that we don't need to stress over you too. My sisters are endowed to you. Mother You have the karma of the fallen angel, Ertugrul. 

You are awfully fortunate. The Mongols are in quest for on specific chest that contains... important insider facts of the Selcuk's State. They speculate that Ertugrul is in control of that chest. On the off chance that I didn't get this news. . you would be as of now dead at this point. In any case, from now consistently that you are not dead, you will curseit a thousand times I will end up being your most confided in man, Ertugrul. For all the enduring you have caused me... you will presently experience an indefinable distress of torment. Presently, much more blood will be spilled, Ertugrul. Increasingly more blood will be spilled. Is there consent? Come in, Beybolat Bey. Ertugrul Bey, I set off when I caught wind of this. All in all, would you say you are OK? Commendation be to Allah, we are okay, Beybolat Bey. What's more, how did this occur? They trapped us. They continued shooting bolts at us like downpour.. A bolt was going to penetrate me... be that as it may, Bell-ringer yielded himself for me. Were they Dragos' men. All things considered, see those spoiled scoundrels, well! Recently it was my dad, today they focused on our Bey.. Ertugrul Bey, simply issue a request and we will... bring their reality smashing down over their heads. Eyvallah (it will come), Beybolat Bey. Keep your fury alive. In any case, for the present, we need to try to avoid panicking. The need currently is Abdurrahman's recuperation, the rest would be simple. Since, a wolf that is loaded up with rage... can cut a raving jackal down. However, where did these difficulties originate from? Furthermore, exactly when we should discuss the wedding. The butcher considers meat, the sheep about the blade. [proverb - One man's misfortune is another man's gain] I said this due to our solidarity and fraternity, Selcan Hatun. You don't have the foggiest idea what you are discussing? 

They have quite recently trapped your Bey of Principality. What's more, his nearest Alp is in the throes of death. What wedding, what dining experience would you talk about at such time? Try not to be so upset, Hayme Mother. It's anything but difficult to state, my girl. Imagine a scenario where something happens to Abdurrahman. Our Ertugrul Bey will by and by take care of Abdurrahman Alp. Wear t you realize that? He adores him like his own sibling. I realize it How would I be able to not7 I despite everything recall the day when Abdurrahman, whose mustache scarcely began to develop... went to the mountains for the Alp s preparing. From that opportunity to this exact second... he planted himself before this exceptionally tent and. commonly he faced an adversary with his exposed blade... There were times when he battled against the Mongols. Once, he fell their detainee and was exposed to torment. Ordinarily, he put his life at risk to make the Bazaar what it is. Once in a while, ho would grab the lives from the adversary's grip. Be that as it may... he never at any point grumbled, not in any case once. He never lamented any of it. He never anticipated gestures of recognition. Whatever we requested that he do... he'd quite recently placed his hand to his heart in acknowledgment, and would do it. He is. my inheritance left to me by my Suleyman Shah. May my Lord (Rabb), guard him. May He (swt) save him for us. Amin Tomorrow at sunrise, I'm going to Sogut. I need to see both, my child and Abdurrahman. Hayme Mother, with your leave I wish to go with you as well. Is it true that you are feeling much improved, my lion? Insofar as you are well, my Bey... I wouldn't lament regardless of whether I were to bite the dust now. Masha Allah, that is my valiant. 

Abdurrahman Alp How would they be able to have done this to you? May you live long, BeM-ringer. You tossed yourself before a bolts to secure me. For what reason did you do th V> What else would i say i should do, my Bey, what else? On the off chance that those swindlers planned something for you, what might we do? You turned into a desire for us all. In the event that something transpired, what might this individuals do at that point? What's more, the Reverend Father has now passed on, as well. What will I do now? I m disregarded an I. You are under our security, Bell-ringer, much the same as every other person in Sogut. Try not to agitate yourself. What are we here for? You simply proceed with p rforming your obligations in the congregation and the Han. May God ensure you. May God secure you, my Bey. Whatever I do nothing is unreasonably bravo, nothing is. May God protect you. Chime ringer! Chime ringer1 I owe you my life, Bell-ringer. iruturiQ The security in Sogut should now be on the most elevated level. Hold everybody under exacting reconnaissance. What's more, most especially Bell-ringer. What Bell-ringer has accomplished for us goes past the limits of his interests. There may be something obscure behind that. Furthermore, advise Mergen not to let him out of his sight. Be that as it may, ensure he doesn t notice it. As you order, my Bey. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim [In the name of Allah swt, the Merciful and the Compassionate]. EyvAllah (bless your heart). Come, go along with me, how about we share the supper. EyvAUah (thank you), my Bey., It's similarly as what we suspected, my Bey. 

Ertugrul made a plan with Dragos to mutually take the gold. In any case, Ertugrul took it without anyone else, at long last An astute man, this Ertugrul. Be that as it may, there is consistently somebody cleverer than you. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Will we inform the Mongols now? Don't you dare! Nobody must think about this. Both, the Mongols and the Sultan, must accept that the gold is with Dragos. In any case, we will be the ones to take that gold from Ertugrul. It will assist us with reinforcing our capacity, over the long haul. Did you get me? What's wrong, Yinal? It is safe to say that someone is hot behind you? Aag A|/| Subutay is here. Subutay? What is he doing here so promptly in the first part of the day? Nothing s wrong, In shaa Allah. Be that as it may, if Subutay came here... I see you got yourself a backwoods to make It home, even here. Subutay, what are you doing here? I meander if...? The morning meal must be prepared, sibling. How about we go to our tent. We are being assaulted! Secret word for this Episode is CommanderAlcan. There is an attack! A strike' Brother, there is an attack. Osman! How about we get our blades. Run! How about we ensure the tent There is an attack!! The ongols. Grandmother, there is strike. The Mongols are here. Presently is an ideal opportunity to ensure our respect. Take your blades! ueiuso Mother What do you think you are doing, you declines'? Aline k The regrets of the abused will call down judgment upon their oppressors. [proverb] Who comes into our favored tent in view of abuse. won�

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