Episode 29-30 Season 5 Ertugul HD (Bolum 136)

Episode 29-30 Season 5 Ertugul HD (Bolum 136)

DIRILIS Season 5 Urdu Subtitles EPISODE 29-30 


This is Episode number 29 of Season 5 with Urdu Subtitles. Additionally, on the off chance that you accomplish something to that effect, you would... I'm not catching your meaning How challenged you to threaten my sister, hah? It is the severe request of Principality's If we got dismayed on this way... may our own blade , whetted to a sharp edge, chop us down... may we be scratched away like the dark Earth and dissipated by the breeze like the dark soil! May my blade slice me through as sky-blue and come out red! [red from blood] May my blade slice me through as sky-blue and come out red! May my blade slice me through as sky-blue and come out red! May my blade slice me through as sky-blue and come out red! Hello. Masha Allah, there are my valiants! As-salamu alaykum (harmony arrive). Na alaykumu as-salam (and harmony arrive as well). Na alaykumu as-salam (and harmony arrive as well). Things being what they are, on the grounds that he recovered his tent he challenged our Beylik of Principality's title huh? He offended us straightforwardly, my Bey. A dam, work from rock stones like you can't stop the surging cascades like us." he said. Did you have no tongue to answer when he said that, hah? At the point when I carry them to demolish... let them see then who are the little stones and who the hurrying cascades. Have you discovered this Suleyman yet? We will discover him, my Bey. Ne are looking all over the place. Try not to reveal to me that you will do it. in any case, that you discovered him, Yinal! Simply let me lay my hands on then I II begin threatening them with him first Now, go. Go on Now that Ertugrul got away from Alincak, across the board piece... Kayis will stroll around with their noses noticeable all around. What's more, we viewed them as our companions and family. On the off chance that it wasn t for me, Alincak would kick and shuffle their heads by bow! Presently, it's not my shortcoming whatever occurs. You are correct, my sibling. Presently. we can't be delicate and accommodating we must be as extreme as steel. They lost the Principality's Beylik yet they're despite everything acting all grandiose. You've seen the disposition of Hayme Hatun and Selcan. They were by and large excessively stubborn in the Kilimhane. What's more, they are happy that their youngsters flee. 

Will you acknowledge this sort of insubordination to their Principality's Bey? I will slide upon the Kayi clan like a bad dream, and... I'll show them in whose hands are the force and control and who maintains the traditions. They despite everything don't have the foggiest idea who I am. Blood will have blood! In the event that there's blood to be shed I'll be there! Both of you, don't leave hatuns unattended You are the sisters of the Bey of Principality. Officer Almcak has alloted you this obligation. Award quarters to nobody. Those floor coverings will be done. There is a request from Hiilagu Khan my Bey. The Mongols made an arrangement with the Byzantines. The Byzantines with whom Izzeddin Keykavus II took shelter... [1238-79, twelfth Seljuk Sultan the child of Giyaseddin] have consented to convey him to the Mongols. What's more, Hulagu Khan has endowed Almcak with the obligation... to get Keykavus and convey him to Hulagu. Izzeddin Keykavus II used to impart rule to... his sibling Riikneddin K1I19 Arslan IV. [between the long periods of 1249-54] When Riikneddin KiIiq Arslan adjusted himself to the Mongols... [Rukneddin governed the eastern piece of M. Empire] they ousted Keykavus, my Bey. Keykavus has been deceived in light of the fact that he would not like to offer his spirit to the Mongols. Notwithstanding, by carrying on of outrage he has committed an error. While the Turkmen clans consider him with deference and respect... he proceeded to take shelter with the Byzantines And now, there is one legal Sultan, who... submitted to the Mongols and who can't manage his own Viziers and.. there is the other one Keykavus who depended on looking for haven in Byzantium. 

How did our State result in these present circumstances my Bey? The State Officials don't maintain the uprightness of Daw'ah... be that as it may, they are seeking after their very own triumphs and wealth. Turgut. On the off chance that they were joined around a shared Daw ah... would they be in this circumstance? What could Hulagu need from Keykavus, my Bey? Keykavus is viewed as much adored among the Turkmen clans, since he didn't twist his head. Forthat reason, Hulagii Khan needs to execute him... furthermore, by doing that he expects to undermine each Turkmen clan that opposes the Mongols. At that point we should modify that letter and keep that from occurring, won't we. my Bey9 Quite opposite' Ne will let him get this letter, Turgut. For what reason would we permit this letter to reach Alincak. my Bey? So as to make a first move, and shock Alincak from where he wouldn't dare hoping anymore Bamsi. The battle alone won't get the job done on the off chance that we need to... finish Alincak off and to remove the Mongols from here. The more we battle them the increasingly more they will come. That is the reason we will level Alincak's notoriety to the ground, first. Ne will disappoint each obligation he has been depended with. With all our strikes, he will sink further and further into disrespect. We will cause him to flop wretchedly in each crucial has been given. On the off chance that an unmistakable character as Keykavus. sneaks past Alincak s fingers... that would extraordinarily ruin him. Other than Keykavus' execution by the Mongols... could profoundly affect the Turkmen clans. Henceforth, we should forestall this, so their opposition development doesn't end in disappointment. Alincak will go to get Keykavus. Be that as it may, we will arrive in front of them... what's more, spare Keykavus. Furthermore, when Alincak comes he will step around out of resentment like a water wild ox floundering in mud. ha. my Bey. Ne will progressively demolish his notoriety. Alincak who came here with affectedness the size of the Great Mountains.. will turn into a residue in the breeze. Ensure Alincak gets this request early tomorrow, Mergen. As you order, my Bey And. advise Bell-ringer to come to Alaca Hill in the first part of the day. I have things to let him know. Secret key for this Episode is OsmanEagle29. 

For whatever length of time that there is one Turk left in Anatolia, they will... continuously be sheep at these wolves table. [Concept of "Wolves' Table" where visitor of respect turns into a victim] EvelAllah my Bey EvelAllah, my Bey. What now If you're here on some silly issue while I'm eating... II cut your ears and add them to my dinner. There is Hulagii Khan's structure. What our Khan orders us to do? Today is such an astonishing day. The spirits of the Sky more likely than not sent this request to spirits of the Earth... to change our fortune Is it some significant issue? What's more, definitely, at that. The Byzantines have consented to convey Keykavus to us. Qa'an Hulagu Khan has doled out this strategic... [Qa'an - the Khan of all Khans] this hallowed strategic, us. What's more, we got the chest as well. Hulagu Khan has depended you with all these sacrosanct obligations. Also, when you satisfy this strategic, will have.. indistinguishable incentive in his eyes from his own child Abaqa Khan. [Abaqa Khan - Hulagu s favor te child and successor] Our Khagan. who embraced the Sun as his banner would not... leave us unrewarded when we drop a Seljuk's Sultan at his feet albite an old one. My fantasy it to satisfy all my sacrosanct obligations, at that point to wander ahead towards Tebriz... what's more, sit on the correct side of Hulagu Khan. Be that as it may, first I need to deal with Keykavus and the chest And when I'm back, Ertugrul will have the gold prepared for me. You proceed with your Nokers and gather Keykavus. I don't need a slip-up. I will come there as well, after I give Beybolat the essential directions. At that point we will take the way to Tabriz. I came here stealthily, my Bey. You needed to see me. I'm available to you. Would you have the option to go to the Lefke post and see Dragos. Chime Ringer? The Reverend Father sent me to the post a couple of times. Be that as it may, I m not certain in the event that I would have the option to see Dragos, my Bey. 

I revealed to Dragos that you will be our go-between man. I gave him the vital data with respect to that. You will go to Dragos at this moment. Instruct him to send me ten of his best men. They must be covered. They'll meet us on Constantinople's course. What would it be a good idea for me to state on the off chance that he requests an explanation my Bey? You disclose to him that we are going to bargain our first hit to Alincak. That much information would be sufficient for him. Your desire is my request my Bey, your desire is my request. They should not be late, Bell-ringer. Lets be on our way. What Alincak has to do with Constantinople's course? What are you up to, Ertugrul? What are you playing at? You called me. Administrator Alincak. We got a request from Hulagii Khan. It's with respect to a significant crucial. I will manage that, at that point continue to Tabriz to convey the chest. In any case, I II be back. Until I return, keep up a decent request here. I don't need any issue to emerge. What's more, when I'm back. Ertugrul will locate the gold and bring it. I will play out my obligations appropriately. You might be quiet. In any case. the Kayis don't seem as though they're going to settle down. In any case, at that point it is your obligation to stop them. Or the consequences will be severe, we can introduce a man of straw as the Principality s Bey. I can stop them. Officer But if there should be an occurrence of uprising, I should smother it with carnage, simply be cautioned. Your position is as endless as our capacity seems to be. On the off chance that they rebel, show no benevolence on them! What may the Mongols do on the Constantinople s course? No data has been sent to the fortification. So there's something significant and mystery going on. 

Are the warriors that Ertugrul mentioned prepared? They are for the most part prepared Sir. Maybe Ertugrul expects to just devastate a little Mongol's Unit. That would be his first hit to Alincak. There are such a large number of Mongol Units in Sogiit. For what reason would he go right to the Constantinople's rouite to execute Ertugrul? So. there must be something significant there. What's more, we need to realize what it is. I will go together with our troopers, at that point. I will go there covertly. I need to watch everything from the separation. Who knows, possibly we will stop by a mystery that would... change our fate and the predetermination of this spot. Expectation nothing s wrong. Artuk Bey. Alincak may assault our clan again Hayme Hatun. Where did that originate from now? Is there something you know? Our Ertugrul Bey has

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